Monday, December 24, 2007

Season's Greetings

Christmas is upon us and for the first time in many, many years I feel ready for the event. I'm usually rushing to finish shopping, struggling with what to get those difficult people (dad's come to mind) or how to stretch too few dollars too far. Dinner is here tomorrow, with the whole gang coming over. BUT, mom insisted on having the meal catered, so little work for Daryl or I!

We have several days off work (Daryl has appointments on Thursday & Friday) and hopefully we will manage to visit friends and have a relaxing time. And I'm sure the kids are going to want to go and spend the Christmas booty too.

2007, like every year, has had it's ups(more financial stability, great photography trip) and downs(health problems for family members). Days go by, some are bad, most are good, we all get older and well, I think someone wrote a song like that already.

Merry Christmas, and Best Wishes for 2008.

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